
  • 9th Rank in SSC board examinations
  • Distinction in pathology
  • Awarded best speaker in annual seminar in Medicine
  • Awarded for best poster in ISGCON 2010
  • Paper selected for oral presentation in APDW 2011, Singapore.
  • Won 1st prize in video presentation at Endocon 2013,Delhi
  • Won 1st prize in video presentation at Mumbai Endoscopy live- 2013


  • Autoimmune Pancreatitis in India- a prospective study. Indian J Gastroenterol 2007; Vol 26 (Suppl 2) A 108 Mohan Ramchandani, Nachiket D, Rupa Banerjee, Jagdeesh, M Tandan, D Nageshwar Reddy.
  • Malakoplakia: an unusual cause of lower GI bleeding in a child Gastrointest Endosc 74(2):3 Anuradha Sekaran Nachiket Dubale, Sandeep Lakhtakia, Bhavani Raju,Mohan Ramchandani Santosh Darisetty, , D. Bhaskara Reddy, D. Nageshwar Reddy.
  • Anomalous biliary duct mistaken as hilar stricture. A case report. J interv.Gastroenterol 1(1):34-36 (2011) Nachiket Dubale, N K Anupama, Manu Tandon, R Pradeep, Dn Reddy, Gv Rao.
  • Unusual locations of pseudo aneurysms as a sequel of chronic pancreatitis J Interv Gastroenterol 1(1):28-32 (2011) Anupama nagar,Nachiket Dubale, Jagadeesh R; Piyal Nag; Nageshwar D Reddy; G V Rao.
  • Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for hepatolithiasis : Single centre experience: Indian Journal of gastroenterology S2: 112 Nachiket A Dubale, Manu Tandan, Santosh D, Vinod K, D Nageshwar Reddy.
  • Extracorporeal short wave lithotripsy is effective in chronic calcific pancreatitis for pancreatic duct clearance and pain relief: Indian Journal of gastroenterology S2: 110 Anupama K Nagar, Nachiket Dubale,Manu Tandon, Santosh D, Vinod K, D Nageshwar Reddy.
  • Study of serum procalcitonine in patients with liver cirrhosis and its prognostic significance : JGH S26;5;517 Nachiket Dubale,, P N Rao, Rajesh Guppta, D. Nageshwar Reddy.
  • EUS guided biliary stenting (EUS-BS) is superior to percutaneous biliary stenting (PTC-BS) when papilla is inaccessible for ERCP: JGH;S27;05-99 Amol Bapaye,Advay Aher,Nachiket Dubale ,Mandar Doiphode.
  • Endotherapy for obstructive chronic pancreatitis - results of a single centre experience of 232 patients JGH; S27;17-63 Nachiket Dubale, Amol Bapaye.
  • EUS guided transmural drainage of walled off pancreatic necrosis (WOPN) - a single centre experience of 66 patients JGH ;S27;17-67 Amol Bapaye , Nachiket Dubale ,Advay Aher, Mandar Doiphode.
  • Endoscopic ultrasound-guided antegrade dilation of a stenosedhepaticojejunostomy. Endoscopy. 2012;44 Suppl 2 UCTN:E435-6 Bapaye A, Dubale N.
  • Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) in a Patient with Complete Heart Block-a Case Report; Indian J Surg. 2013:1-4 Nachiket Dubale, Suhas Date, Rajendra Pujari, Amol Bapaye.
  • Comparison of endosonography-guided vs. percutaneous biliary stenting when papilla is inaccessible for ERCP United European Gastroenterology Journal 2050 640613490928 Amol Bapaye, Nachiket Dubale, and Advay Aher.